Dream Journey Workbook

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Discovering and going after your dreams is like going on a journey. It is an adventure with Father God where you experience more of Him and uncover the greatness He has placed inside you. This Dream Journey Workbook will help you on your path of Discovery. Through real-life stories, teaching, demonstrations and activation exercises, you will be equipped to unlock the dreams and desires of you heart. You will also be empowered with simple and practical tools to turn your dreams into actions, regardless of your circumstance. This six-part series is designed to be used in conjunction with the Dream Journey DVD. Topics include: - The importance of your dream in God's plan for your life. - Keys to accessing the dreams and desires of your heart. - Activations to turn your dreams into practical action steps. - Working through disappointment, discouragement and disillusionment. - Identifying and taking dominion over mindsets that hinder your progress. - Understanding the cost of a dream. - The power and importance of community - a Dream Culture - in pursuing your dreams. To find out more, request a live Dream Journey Workshop, or order DVD's contact us at www.iDreamCulture.com. - from Amzon 
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